Sunday, September 13, 2009

Four days and counting...!

Hello everyone!

It is officially "crunch" time as I prepare to leave for Peace Corps Togo this Thursday!  I accepted my invitation to serve as a Natural Resources Management Volunteer in Togo in July, and for the past few weeks I've been home preparing to leave.  Summer was great, but I've said good-bye's to a great farm job, family and friends and am excited to leave and begin training.  I've decided to keep a blog and update it when I can during my time in Togo (three months training and two years service).  I was hesitant at first, but think it will be the most effective and efficient method of keeping in touch with you all.  So, thanks for reading.  I hope blogs I post will be informative and fun to read, let me know if they are and if not I'll make improvements!

I sent in my online Peace Corps application early January, and have completed all steps including an interview, (February)  medical and dental check-ups, (March)  passport and visa applications (July) and more paperwork.  The next step is staging in Philadelphia, where I will meet other volunteers from all around the United States.  We have a one day orientation and the next day after receiving vaccinations, we fly to Lomé, (the capital city) Togo.  The flight  (Philadelphia-Paris-Lomé) will be about 13-14 hours total.  Besides practicing French and reading about Togo, I've purchased a Solio solar powered charger, a swiss army knife and received a solar powered radio and crank flashlight as gifts from work. I'm updating my I-pod as I write, adding all the music I can think of that I'll want with me for the next few years.  Packing will be a challenge (we're allowed 80 pounds) but will be fine. 

As far as my assignment in Togo, I don't know any specifics yet.  The program I work in is Natural Resources Management, more specifically Agricultural Productivity and Food Scarcity Issues.  When we arrive, we have three months of language (French and local languages) technical and cultural training.  After training, volunteers are sent to different sites, or villages (villages that have requested the aide of a Peace Corps volunteer) where we will work with community members on a project that will benefit members of the community, present and future.  So, whatever it will be, I know I will learn a lot and get to work with some great people!  That is all for now, I'm off to practice some French- á bientot!


mammakuck said...

Dear Katie,
Paul and I just read your posting. We thought it was very informative and well-written, you are off to a great start. I hope you are bringing your camera, we would love to see photos of your time in Togo!
We know you will do an awesome job there. We wish you all the best, you will be in our thoughts and prayers:)

Samantha Rose Gibb said...

Hope your travels were safe Katie!!
Miss you already and can't wait to hear updates.

Love Sam