Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ecuador: It was the best of times, it was the worse of times...

Hey everyone! Believe it or not, Wisconsin actually made the news here the other night! The amazing amount of snow and back up on a highway in DANE county was on the news (CNN en español) I hope none of you were snowed in too much, and hopefully all the snow is at least something nice to look at!

The good times:
Things have been going well here in Quito, and getting busy again this semester. I am working on a senior thesis project about organic food in Ecuador. I am working with a professor at the University here, have an internship at FENOCIN, the Federation of field workers, indigenous people and afro-ecuadorians, that works with these people to promote pluri-cultural society, and sustainable agriculture. I'm planning to visit farms, organic companies, learn about certification here and about the organic movement here in Ecuador. I am excited to make this project really good, and learn a lot.

Last weekend I went to TENA, at the begining of the Amazon basin in Ecuador. Some friends and I went white water rafting which was really fun and the company we went with, River People, did an amazing job. Last weekend was also Carnaval, which is a celebration during the weekend before Ash Wednesday. It's basically a big party, there is a lot of food, drink, parades, etc. Kids and adults also "play carnaval" which means throwing water ballons, using squirt guns, spray foam and also eggs and flour at other people, tourists, are especially a target for this. On the walk through the city of TENA one afternoon, my friend and I got hit by water ballons, squirt guns, and had bottles of water dumped on us. We were still wet from rafting, so we didn't really care. I also got attacked with spray foam (really popular with little kids) a number of times. All in good fun though.
Almost all people leave Quito for this weekend and head to the beach or Guaranda or Ambato, towns were Carnaval is really big and popular.

Bad times:
I had really hoped it would never happen to me, but I was robbed two weeks ago, on the bus I have been taking everyday since August. Luckily, the only took my wallet which had my debit card, my censo (my ID here) and 6 dollars. I also had my computer in my backpack, so it could have been a lot worse. I always am trying to be really careful, but I forgot to pull the zippers of my backpack towards me. Instead, they were facing away, and on an incredibly crowded bus around rush hour time (when, if the doors of the bus can close easily, there is still room for 20 more people) it makes it all the easier for someone to grab something out of ones pack. Lucky they didn't steal much, I felt mostly stupid about this, although I also felt like a dying breed, as a lot of people, foreign students get things stolen. One roomate had here backpack stolen, another her phone stolen twice.
So, that was dissapointing, but I guess in times like this you really have to look at the positive side, which is what I'm trying to do, and busy myself with school, my project and friends. And that's the news from Quito, Ecuador. Take care everyone!

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